New Learning Techniques

In the past 25 years, we have seen a revolution techniques used to study and learn - not only in the area of ​​complex conceptual study , as the team's formation .
Much research and development has focused on the parts of the brain used to understand new ideas, especially for long-term maintenance . This research has led to the study strategy for learning to assign the known functions of the brain. The result is learning and training methodology that is more unique to each student, and more flexible in your approach techniques traditionally adopted.
Gone are the curriculum at a desk 9:00-17:00 memory and learning in an environment of high class. The time of the most commonly recognized in the life of Charles Dickens educational process . In the coming new innovative and forums related to the intelligent use of technology, such as the Internet and distance learning techniques. Now the student chooses when and where they study as a response to how you actually feel , in your own training program , rather than a planned methodology arbitrarily set by a third party .
This formula has seen incredible results in an increase in development and , finally, the results obtained by the students themselves. Countries where there is a barrier between the student and the source of education - whether geographical or natural - . They have seen an increasing reliance on systems of distance education ' "New Zealand and Sweden, for example, the two techniques used teleconferencing to provide teacher training high quality directly into the homes of students at a distance, with both results more - even more than the average yield in the world.
The long-term studies by the USAF ( U.S. Air Force ) and comparative studies of the Football Association of the United States focused on the question - " When the student is most competent to study " While all studies accept the individuality of man according to their personal circumstances and factors , a number of obvious similarities occurred. Profits were subsequently adopted in powerful new training techniques .
One of the first discoveries was the fact that during the morning - or when the person wakes from sleep ( obviously different if you work nights to day) - brain functions are dominated mainly for survival. Lots of face brain work more effectively with the centering of the person within your location , identification of the temperature of the day, and so on. Also this part of the brain is dominant (so to speak ) at this time is closely related to short-term memory .
As the "day" grows, there is a crossover in a dominant position in the brain. Survival - or short-term memory - the facilities and functions of long-term memory become more powerful . This is probably the student begins to realize that they are more likely to be eaten by a saber-toothed tiger ! On average, this process begins around 11 , and settled at 14:00 pm - again assuming it is a Monday to Friday, 9 am - 17-hour cycle . 14 hours in brain function in the afternoon are closely related to the retention of long-term memory . It is around this point that both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Football Association had the greatest success in teaching students complex maneuvers , whether dog fighting skills , skills of low-flying or all complex pieces of equipment on the football field.
These lessons have been successfully translated into a wide range of other disciplines and industry sectors . Some companies in the UK have successfully integrated this philosophy into their training systems. Here, students have access to the highest quality of teacher resources on a 24x7 basis . And when choosing models that allow students to select and where they study , so they can find their own 14:00 "sweet spot" and select the environment to encourage the role of long-term memory in the brain.
Traditional educational systems are inherently more restrictive in nature and difficult to solve. Still, there is clear evidence of the abandonment of traditional educational structures - including dependence on paper and pens , and the sum of those skills in an examination - that the evidence showed that not everyone excels in the world of pure test and the question of the time of the examination may help some students more than others .
With a route of more information and pool ideas we drink , we see more personalized programs emerging as the standard training. People are searching for methods , time of day and the source of the material that best suits your lifestyle , budget and aspirations. Whether through an individual approach or through a formal training program , ultimately it is the intention of being able to accomplish more. Early indicators suggest that this is the result.

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